Simplify US Equity PLUS QIS ETF
as of 09/27/2024
$ 30.94NAV Change
- $ 0.08 /0.26%Price
$ 30.98Price Change
- $ 0.06 /0.19%The Simplify US Equity PLUS QIS ETF (SPQ) seeks to achieve long-term capital appreciation by overlaying a diversified basket of Quantitative Investment Strategies (QIS) on top of a core US equity exposure.
The goal of the 100% equity + 50% QIS portfolio is to enhance both absolute and risk-adjusted returns of a core equity investment.
The fund is also a simple way to gain exposure to an alternative return source without reducing equity exposure.
The goal of the 100% equity + 50% QIS portfolio is to enhance both absolute and risk-adjusted returns of a core equity investment.
The fund is also a simple way to gain exposure to an alternative return source without reducing equity exposure.