Simplify US Equity PLUS Upside Convexity ETF
as of 09/27/2024
$ 41.94NAV Change
- $ 0.09 /0.21%Price
$ 41.97Price Change
- $ 0.05 /0.12%The Simplify US Equity PLUS Upside Convexity ETF (SPUC) seeks to provide capital appreciation by offering US large cap exposure while aiming to boost performance during extreme market moves up via a systematic options overlay.
The fund's core holding gives investors a low-cost, index-based exposure to US large caps. A modest option overlay budget is then deployed into a series of options positions that help create upside convexity in the fund.
The fund's core holding gives investors a low-cost, index-based exposure to US large caps. A modest option overlay budget is then deployed into a series of options positions that help create upside convexity in the fund.